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Android 6.0 broke the system clock for some users, Android 6.0.1 fixes it

Did you by any chance notice that your Android device's clock started running slower and got out-of-sync?

Published onDecember 12, 2015

Android 6.0 marshmallow logo DSC_0093

Did you by any chance notice that your Android device’s clock started running slower and got out-of-sync? Chances are that you missed it. Chances are that you aren’t running Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your Android device. But in case you are, the good news is that the new Android 6.0.1 update, pushed out earlier this week, appears to fix the system clock sync bug.

If you hit the source link, you’ll find that many users have reported facing this issue. In fact, there are over 450 responses to the thread, which was originally opened on October 13. Since the device clocks were going out of sync after upgrading to Android 6.0, users could no longer rely on their phones for alarms, event or meeting reminders, and other similar activities.

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It’s not like the time drift is 1 or 2 minutes, but it stretches to 15 minutes after just 12 hours of receiving an OTA. The time drift keeps on increasing, and in case you don’t notice it, you might just end up missing a few meetings.

A temporary solution to fix the time drift is to switch your networks from 4G to 3G, forcing the device to sync with the network time. Alternatively, one can reboot their phone and the device will automatically fetch the network time after starting up.

Do let us know if this fix works for you. Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait until you receive the Android 6.0.1 OTA notification.

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