The Patent and Trademark office is finally being run by someone willing to reform the patent system
William Neilson JrMarch 10, 2015
Report shows that two-thirds of mobile traffic comes from just five apps
William Neilson JrMarch 9, 2015
AT&T tells T-Mobile to stop complaining about spectrum auction after AT&T complained for years
William Neilson JrMarch 6, 2015
Do broadband providers really deserve their billions from taxpayers?
William Neilson JrMarch 5, 2015
International data rates continue to be costly for no apparent reason
William Neilson JrMarch 3, 2015
Data caps are back for Telus customers in as arbitrary fashion as you would expect
William Neilson JrFebruary 27, 2015
FCC passes strong net neutrality rules, lawsuits soon to follow
William Neilson JrFebruary 26, 2015
Verizon swears that customers will save if they can make even more money
William Neilson JrFebruary 24, 2015
Verizon Wireless admits to hoarding spectrum, ends any argument about a spectrum crunch
William Neilson JrFebruary 23, 2015
FCC Commissioner Pai slams net neutrality rules, ignores facts & FCC history
William Neilson JrFebruary 12, 2015