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Here's how to find what Android version and build number you have

Let's see which software you're running.

Published onDecember 25, 2023

We have a great set of update guides here at Android Authority that are sure to keep you on the newest Android build. However, they’re only beneficial if you know what version you’re currently running. Lucky for you, this information isn’t all that hard to track down. Here’s how to find out what Android version and build number your device is running.


You can find your Android version and build number by going to Settings > About phone > Android version.


Editor’s note: We compiled these instructions using a Google Pixel 7 running Android 14. Remember that some steps and menus may differ slightly depending on your hardware and software. 

What is a build number, and what does it mean?

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

It’s always good to know what software you’re running. Sure, it’s easy to say that you’re running Android 13, but what if you want to know more than that? That’s where Android build numbers come in. A build number is a specific identifier that lets you know what software you’re running as well as when it was updated last. That means your Android build number will change pretty frequently — maybe every month, depending on your device.

What’s the difference between a build number and a version for Android?

This is the part where we could go into some serious scientific taxonomy, explaining phyla, families, and species. I never really liked high school biology, but it’s applicable in this case. We’ll stick to the bottom three levels of the pyramid for this explanation. All Android devices fall into the same family, which we’re defining as Android (iOS would be another family). From there, the Android version number is kind of like a genus — Android 11 devices have their version numbers in common, as do Android 12 devices, and so on.

Finally, we come to the build number. The Android build number is the species in this analogy, the most specific piece of information that identifies the software on your phone. While two devices could have the same Android version number, the difference in build numbers could give you a completely different experience if one is more up-to-date than the other.

Ultimately, the Android version number refers to full updates like Android 13 and 14, while the build number gets into the specifics of when your phone was updated and the software version onboard.

What is the most recent Android version?

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

Before we get into finding your Android version, you may as well know how you stack up. Right now, the most recent release is Android 14, which dropped in October 2023. Unsurprisingly, the first phones to make the switch were Google’s own Pixel 8 devices. The rollout has greatly expanded in the months since, and you can check your place in our guide on when your phone will get Android 14.

It’s still too early to know anything about Android 15, but you can bet we’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything.

How do you find your version of Android?

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

Now that you know where the latest devices sit, let’s find out where your Android device is. The process is straightforward, and it involves hopping into your settings app.

How to check your Android version:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Go into About phone.
  3. Under the Device details section, you will find Android version, along with your software version number.
  4. You can tap on Android version to get more details, including the build number.

Your phone may store its security update information and Android skin version information in the same location. While you’re in the settings menu, it might be a great time to see if you have a fresh software update waiting for you.


As of the time of this writing, the latest Android version released to the public is Android 14.

Android 15 should launch alongside the next Pixel devices, which are likely to be called the Pixel 9 series. This should happen around October 2024, unless Google decides to change its usual release window.

Android 14 is now out, and it continues to reach new devices as it becomes available to them. If you’re curious, we have an Android 14 update tracker.

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