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How to tell if your number is blocked on Android
Published on21 hours ago
Not being able to contact someone when you need to can be stressful. If your calls to the other person’s phone are not going through, and it’s a mystery to you as to why, it’s possible that your phone number was blocked. Fortunately, there are ways to find out if your number is blocked on Android.
Keep in mind that often people are blocked by accident, or something other than a block is going on. Someone may have their phone turned off to be polite during a meeting. Or they may be on a plane and unable to take a call, or they might just not want to talk. It’s also very important to remember that it’s everyone’s right (yours, as well) to answer or not answer calls as they see fit.
To determine if someone has blocked the number of your Android phone, the fastest way is to call from another phone and see if your call goes through. If the call goes through on the other phone, your number was blocked.
The one-ring test
One way to test if your number is blocked is to check the rings when you call. If it rings between three and 10 times, and then goes to voice mail, then there is no block. Similarly, if it doesn’t ring at all, but goes straight to voice mail, they aren’t blocking you; it’s just that the person you’re calling has their phone off, has Do Not Disturb on, or is in airplane mode. If the phone rings once (or an abbreviated half-ring) and then goes to voice mail, you can reasonably suspect your number has been blocked.
Call from another phone
If you suspect someone is blocking your number, the quickest and easiest way to investigate further is to call from another phone. You can use an office phone or a pay phone (if you can find one) or borrow someone else’s phone—just make sure they know why you want to use it. Remember, your goal here is not necessarily to talk to the person in question, but to check the rings. If the number you’re calling rings multiple times from another phone, but only once on yours, there is a strong likelihood they are blocking you.
Remove from contacts
Another way to check your status on another person’s phone is to delete them from your contacts list. Then use the search bar in the Contacts app to search for their name.
If their name does not come up as a suggested contact, this is a further indicator that your number is blocked.
Use *67
You can disguise the incoming number seen by the phone of the person you are trying to contact by pressing the star key and then 67 before entering the number you’re calling. Of course, not many people pick up when they see an unidentified call coming in, but again, you are just checking the rings. If the call goes through and rings multiple times from a disguised number, but not from your number, there’s a good chance they are blocking your number.
Use social media
If you’ve tried the methods above and still can’t tell for sure what the situation is, try contacting the person by other means. Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp all allow you to send messages. You could even send them snail mail. Make sure to be polite when messaging; remember, you can’t be 100% sure someone has blocked you unless they tell you.
A word about boundaries
Something that doesn’t happen very often is someone blocking a phone number, and that person has no clue as to why. In most cases, the reason is obvious. The reason we feel comfortable providing the information in this article to you is that very often what seems like a block really isn’t. We’re happy to help you clarify your circumstances.
But it’s extremely important to keep in mind that it is anyone’s right to block your number if they feel it’s necessary. Knowingly circumventing a confirmed block for the purpose of contacting someone against their will is extremely unethical. Depending on where you are, it could also be illegal. Don’t do it.
No, it stays blocked until you unblock it.
No, there is no limit.
No, they do not.