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How do you know if someone blocked you on Facebook?

Suspect you've been blocked by a Facebook friend? Here's how to know if someone blocked you on Facebook.

Published onJune 11, 2019

Drama on the Internet? Impossible! Okay, so more like probable. Even if you are the model Facebook friend, odds are at some point you’re going to end up blocked by one of your “friends.” Sometimes it’s just because the person is going through personal stuff and wants to limit who is seeing it, sometimes it’s because they hate you with a passion hotter than a thousand suns. Whatever the reason, being blocked isn’t a fun experience.

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t warn you if you’ve been blocked, you just simply stop seeing communication from the blocked Facebook friend. Suspect a friend has blocked you? We’ll show you how to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook or not.

How to block someone on Facebook
Facebook stock photo 17

There are a few things to be on the lookout for when you think someone has blocked you on Facebook:

  • You can no longer see their posts on your feed.
  • You can’t find the friend via Facebook search.
  • You can’t send direct messages via Facebook Messenger.

How to tell if you’ve been blocked on facebook: head to the search bar

Facebook search bar
  1. If you haven’t seen posts from your friend in a while, head to the search bar and type in their name.
  2. Make sure to use the name that they use on Facebook, which might be a variation of their real name (initials, etc).
  3. If nothing pops up, odds are you are blocked. You can also check Messenger to see if they are on the list.

Okay, but maybe they just deleted their Facebook account?

facebook mutual friends list

Before you start crying about the loss of a friend, keep in mind it’s possible they deleted their account completely. The “delete Facebook” movement has been on the rise over the last couple years, so it happens.

  1. One way to be absolutely certain is to head to a mutual friend’s page.
  2. Search their friend list by using the Friends box, which is located on the lower left on the website version or towards the top-center if using the Facebook app.
  3. If you find the friend you suspect blocked you listed in the mutual friend’s page … you now know your suspicions were correct.

What you do with this information is up to you, but at least you now know for sure if you have been blocked on Facebook or not.

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