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HTC EVO 3D saves a man’s life, stops a bullet fired during attempted robbery
Published onOctober 29, 2013

Today’s smartphones are more than just a piece of electronic equipment, they often are an all-in-one tool for business, entertainment and so much more. In rare occasions, they can even prove to be lifesavers.
Today a news report arrived by way of CNN about a gas station clerk in Orange County, Florida who survived an attempted robbery thanks to his HTCEvo 3D. According to the report, the suspect fired off one bullet while leaving the crime scene after the clerk unsuccessfully attempted to unlock the store’s safe at the command of the would-be thief.
After the suspect took off, emergency services arrived and the clerk complained of chest pain – unaware that the stray bullet had actually hit him in the chest!
Lucky, the only damage received by the clerk seems to be some bruising from the impact of the bullet hitting the phone in his shirt pocket. As you can see in the picture above, the phone wasn’t so lucky and was completely destroyed due to the bullet’s impact.
This is far from the first time we’ve heard of a phone saving someone’s life, with reports of flip-phones doing a similar deed going back years. What’s most interesting though is that this is the second known report involving an HTChandset – with the first being an incident in 2011 where a Droid Incredible resting a shirt pocket saved a valet’s life.
Morale of the story: maybe the shirt pocket is a good place to keep your phone after all?
On a side note, if HTCwants to score some good PR here, they’d be wise to contact the attempted robbery victim and gift him a newer HTChandset to replace his now defunct Evo 3D.