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This demo of Apple's iPhone Mirroring feature shows it's ahead of Android

Someone has managed to enable the unreleased iPhone Mirroring feature on macOS Sequoia, and boy, is it fluid!

Published onJune 20, 2024

macOS Sequoia on MacBook Air M2
Mahmoud Itani / Android Authority
  • A user has activated the unreleased iPhone Mirroring feature that is coming soon to macOS Sequoia.
  • Apple’s iPhone Mirroring execution in the screen recording appears to be much smoother than its Android-Windows counterpart.
  • There’s currently no easy way to enable Apple’s feature, but those running the iOS and macOS betas can expect an official debut in the near future.

Arguably, macOS Sequoia’s most significant feature is iPhone Mirroring. Through this upcoming Apple ecosystem integration, users will be able to control their iOS devices directly from their Macs. While macOS Sequoia beta 1 doesn’t officially offer this feature, a user has managed to enable it forcibly. Based on the brief screen recording they shared, Apple’s iPhone Mirroring appears to be much more polished than the Phone Link feature tying Android and Windows.

Region lock my ass. 😂🇪🇺
iOS 18 seems to have turned a few of us into full-time reverse engineers 🫡
— xezrunner (@XeZrunner) June 20, 2024

As shown in the video embedded above, Twitter user Xezrunner has managed to enable and use iPhone Mirroring on iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. The mirroring in the demo seems to be instantaneous, with virtually no lag or glitches. The user swiftly launched, navigated through, and exited a mirrored iOS app — reflecting a natural, intuitive user experience.

Screenshot of tweet about iPhone Mirroring feature

User Albacore, who helped enable the feature, states that there’s currently no easy way to activate iPhone Mirroring on macOS Sequoia beta 1. Consequently, users may have to wait until Apple officially enables it in a future beta build. Nevertheless, the fact that an unreleased feature on a first developer beta seems to be working seamlessly only highlights how well-developed it is. The second OS betas, which could potentially enable this feature for all testers, are expected next week.

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