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Mad Catz launching  Samsung-specific game controllers

Mad Catz is revealing at CES 2016 that they are developing game controllers and gamepads that are specifically optimized for Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Published onJanuary 4, 2016

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Back in the day, Mad Catz was synonymous with that bulky, knock-off N64 controller that was only ever put to use when your friend who you didn’t really like came over to play. In the intervening time, Mad Catz has established themselves as a much more reputable controller designer. Now they’re looking to bring their game controllers to Samsung Mobile.

Mad Catz is revealing at CES 2016 that they are developing controllers and game pads that are specifically optimized for Samsung smartphones and tablets. This new venture is part of their involvement in the Designed for Samsung program, so Mad Catz will be developing these controllers exclusively with Samsung devices in mind.

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The move is well-timed, as mobile gaming is certainly on the rise. Increased processing power and technologies like Google Cardboard that integrate virtual reality elements with smartphones are driving game design in new directions, and some believe that the next major gaming platform will be right in your pocket.

Controls, however, have always been troublesome on mobile devices. For all its intuitiveness, touchscreen interface just isn’t precise and clean enough for hardcore gaming. Mad Catz intends to bridge that gap by bringing well-optimized controllers to the mobile market, starting with Samsung.

Game controllers for smartphones are nowhere near a new development, but seeing them designed for specifically for Samsung devices is an interesting development. We don’t have any word about where these controllers will be made available or what their price tags will look like, but we’re excited to learn more.

In the meantime, what are your thoughts about Mad Catz developing these controllers? What has your experience been with their products so far, and what is your current favorite mobile gaming controller? Let us know in the comments below!

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