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NoPhone Zero is the greatest fake phone money can buy

Looking to kick your smartphone habit once and for all? The NoPhone Zero is here to help!

Published onSeptember 24, 2015


Last week we reported on a study suggesting phone addiction behaved similarly to drug addiction, and we even suggested a few apps that can help you wean off your over-reliance on your mobile, if you feel you are “truly addicted”. Want to go to an even further extreme? The NoPhone and NoPhone Zero are here to help!

If you have never heard of the NoPhone, don’t feel bad, I hadn’t either. Apparently the original NoPhone was a Kickstarter project last year, which aimed to create a rectangle that looked like a phone, had no real purpose, and cost $12. Since then, the model has become widely available for those looking to buy. Now the company is back on Kickstarter once more, this time bringing us the NoPhone Zero, which the company heralds as “the least advanced NoPhone ever”. This time the sleeker yet still completely useless rectangle will set pledgers back just $5.

Okay… what do we mean when we say the NoPhone has no real purpose? Well, there is no screen, no processor, no RAM, no storage, no camera, nothing. NoPhone’s founders say it best, “The NoPhone ZERO has zero features. It’s a plastic rectangle for people who are addicted to rectangular devices. If you know someone who needs no phone, give them a NoPhone.”

Is this a joke? No. Are you sure this isn't a joke? Yes.

Before you shake your head and say WTF, keep in mind that despite the Kickstarter page’s denial that this is a joke, its somewhat humorous comments about the phone’s lack of features makes it fairly obvious this is just for fun and that NoPhone doesn’t really believe that clutching a rectangle will magically help people break away from phone addiction. One of my personal favorites: “If it isn’t a NoPhone ZERO, it isn’t a plastic rectangle.”

On the other hand, creating the first NoPhone as a joke made sense, but a second release sounds more like a money grab. For the record, it has already secured it’s funding goal of $500, and then some, at $900 so far with 15 days to go. What do you think of the NoPhone Zero? Funny, stupid, a little bit of both? You can read more about it on their official Kickstarter page.

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