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Nova Launcher Prime is on sale for $0.99, down from $4.99

Nova Launcher Prime, the premium variant of the popular launcher, is on sale today for just 99 cents. At 20% of its normal price, this is a great deal for anyone looking to get the most out of their homescreen.

Published onMarch 2, 2016


Nova Launcher Prime, the premium variant of the popular launcher, is on sale today for just 99 cents.

Used by tens of millions of users, the free version of Nova Launcher is already extremely powerful. The launcher lets you customize everything from the number of icons shown on a row, to the appearance of the dock, to numerous animations and other design touches used throughout the launcher.

The default look of Nova is pretty stock-like, but you can tweak it so it mimics Google’s Now Launcher to a T. For users who dislike the often heavy-handed OEM launchers (Huawei, are you reading this?), Nova Launcher delivers salvation. You just need a good icon pack and the world is your oyster.

15 best Android home screen launchers for every taste
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Nova Launcher with gesture navigation

Normally going for $4.99, Nova Launcher Prime unlocks even more customization options. Among the standouts are support for gestures (e.g. swipe up from the dialer icon to instantly call your favorite contact), the ability to show unread counts on top of icons (in conjunction with the TeslaUnread plugin app), and the ability to hide apps from the app launcher. This last feature is ideal if you’re bothered by bloatware on an unrooted phone – some pre-loaded apps cannot be disabled or uninstalled, but at least you can hide them from the launcher. Neat freaks know what I am talking about.

Nova Launcher Prime acts as a license for the full version of the launcher, so you will need to have the free version installed first. At 20% of its normal price, this is a great deal for anyone looking to get the most out of their homescreen.

99 cents can also be seen as a sound investment in the increasingly likely eventuality that Google is doing away with the app drawer. Rumor has it that Android N will simply chuck every app on the homescreen, like barbarians on iOS. If that day comes, launchers like Nova will probably be in high demand.

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