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Google's 3D video calling system 'Project Starline' to hit market in 2025

The company is collaborating with HP to commercialize its futuristic video conferencing technology.

Published onMay 13, 2024

  • Google’s Project Starline is moving out of the experimental phase and will go commercial in 2025 through a partnership with HP.
  • This innovative video conferencing system aims to simulate face-to-face interactions by utilizing 3D imaging to create a “magic window” effect.
  • Google claims that Starline increases engagement and improves nonverbal communication compared to traditional video conferencing.

First unveiled at Google I/O 2021, Project Starline aimed to revolutionize video calls by creating a photorealistic, three-dimensional experience without relying on VR/AR glasses.

The project garnered attention when YouTuber MKBHD tried it out last year and praised its potential for transforming video conferencing. Today, Google announced that it would be bringing this innovative technology into the real world as soon as next year.

Google has partnered with HP to commercialize Project Starline by 2025, with plans to integrate it into popular video conferencing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom. The collaboration with HP, known for its expertise in computing, is expected to accelerate the adoption of Starline across various industries.

Project Starline is a video conferencing system that combines advanced 3D imaging and AI. It is designed to make remote interactions feel as natural as face-to-face conversations. By creating a “magic window” effect, it allows users to talk, gesture, and maintain eye contact as if they were physically present in the same room.

Google claims that extensive testing has demonstrated Starline’s ability to improve attentiveness, memory recall, and overall presence compared to traditional video calls.

The company claims that Starline increases turn-taking in conversations by 2-3 instances within a two-minute period, compared to standard video conferencing. Additionally, users reportedly display more nonverbal cues, including a 43% increase in hand gestures, 26% more head nods, and 49% more eyebrow movements.

The tech giant also asserts that Starline reduces video meeting fatigue by 31%, resulting in less exhaustion and 12% faster reaction times on cognitive tasks for users. Google further states that the technology encourages more natural behavior and active engagement, mimicking the dynamics of in-person interactions.

With the advent of more advanced AR/VR devices, it’s only logical to push for a fully immersive video conferencing experience. While Starline’s promise is undeniable, questions remain about the technology’s accessibility and affordability for widespread adoption. The company plans to release more details later this year.

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