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How to see who viewed your Instagram story

How long can you access viewer lists? Can someone view your story without you knowing? This mini-guide has the answers.

Published onNovember 30, 2023

Understanding who views your Instagram stories is crucial for privacy and engagement. This guide addresses common questions about Instagram story viewership.

Plus, we’ll answer pressing FAQs about deleted stories, non-follower views, and anonymous viewing.

Whether you’re marketing a brand or just keeping up with friends, this information is key to managing your Instagram presence effectively.

How to see who viewed your Instagram story

Instagram Android
Tech Team / Android Authority

To check who’s viewed your Instagram story:

  • Go to your profile.
  • Tap on your story.
  • Swipe up.

You’ll see a list of people who have viewed your story while it’s still live. It’s a straightforward process but remember, this list is only visible to you and it’s only available while the story is live.

Can you see who viewed your Instagram story after 24 hours?

Once your Instagram story expires after 24 hours, so does the list of people who viewed it. If you’re looking to keep a record of your viewers, make sure to check the list before the story disappears. There’s no feature currently that allows you to retrieve viewer information post 24 hours.

Why can’t I see who viewed my Instagram story?

If you can’t see who’s viewed your Instagram story, it could be due to a glitch or because the story has expired. Ensure you’re checking the viewer list while the story is still active. If the issue persists, try restarting the app or checking for an update, as this might fix the problem.


No, once you delete your Instagram story, the data associated with who viewed it is also removed. If you anticipate wanting to review who has seen your story, it’s best to do so before you choose to delete it.

Yes, you can see non-followers who view your story as long as your profile is public. When looking at your story’s viewer list, non-followers will appear alongside your followers. However, if your account is private, only those you’ve approved to follow you will be able to view and appear in the list of story viewers.

In general, when someone views your Instagram story, their username will appear in your viewer list. There’s no inherent feature on Instagram that allows for anonymous viewing of stories. If you suspect someone is viewing your stories without appearing in the viewer list, they may be using a third-party app or a workaround, like a fake account.

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