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You told us: You're not sure if you're using any 32-bit Android apps

Perhaps the Android OS itself needs to be more transparent during this transition period.

Published onOctober 25, 2022

Google Pixel 7 app drawer
Robert Triggs / Android Authority

It turns out that the Google Pixel 7 series doesn’t actually support 32-bit Android apps, making it quite possibly the first Android phones to support 64-bit apps only.

That made us wonder whether any Android Authority readers actually used 32-bit apps on their phones. We posed this question on October 14 and here are the results.

Do you still use any 32-bit-only Android apps?


Just over 2,800 votes were counted in this poll to date, giving us a decent sample size. And it turns out that 25.79% of polled readers say they don’t use any 32-bit only Android apps on their phone. On the other hand, 20.75% of respondents said they still used 32-bit only apps on their Android device.

The big winner was “I don’t know,” though, accounting for a significant 53.45% of the vote. We can definitely understand why people would choose this option, as smartphones don’t really make it easy to ascertain whether an installed app is 32-bit or 64-bit.

In saying so, Google has long mandated that all apps submitted to the Play Store must have 64-bit versions. In fact, the storefront has also stopped serving apps without 64-bit versions to 64-bit devices since last year. So chances are high that if you stick to the Play Store, you’re only running 64-bit apps on your phone. Then again, there are also quite a few abandoned apps that haven’t received 64-bit versions over the years.


  • veesonic: Yeah there are tons of old apps and games I have installed that the developers stopped updating. I’m sure some of those are 32-bit only smh.
  • Blake Sinnett: It really sucks. I use a speech synthesizer with TalkBack called Eloquence that is quite popular in the blind community. This app is 32-bit, and the devs stopped working on it in 2019. Now I’m forced to use something which is less intelligible at fast speeds, so my mobile productivity is reduced a bit.
  • roaduardo: I’m pretty sure Zooper Widget is 32-bit and I still use it because I’m too dumb to figure out KLWP and KWGT.
  • Joe Black: TBH I have no clue :-D on my personal phone, it is most likely just fine, but my work phone still have some older or “special” app installed.

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