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Wallpaper Wednesday: More great phone wallpapers for all to share (August 28)

Here is a weekly selection of Android wallpapers created by our readers and members of the Android Authority team!

Published onAugust 28, 2024

Wallpaper Wednesday 2024 08 28
C. Scott Brown / Android Authority

Welcome to Wallpaper Wednesday! In this weekly roundup, we’ll give you a handful of Android wallpapers you can download and use on your phone, tablet, or even your laptop/PC. The images will come from folks here at Android Authority as well as our readers. All are free to use and come without watermarks. File formats are JPG and PNG, and we’ll provide images in both landscape and portrait modes, so they’ll be optimized for various screens.

For the newest walls as well as all the ones from previous weeks, check out this Drive link. Want to submit your own? Head to the bottom of this article.

Wallpaper Wednesday: August 28, 2024

Another week, another set of awesome Android wallpapers for you to share! Remember that we are always looking for submissions from our readers. Head to the bottom of this article to find out how you could have one of your images featured in an upcoming Wallpaper Wednesday!

Because you’ve made Wallpaper Wednesday so popular, we are now doubling the number of reader-submitted wallpapers featured each week! Previously, we would do three images, but now we’re bumping that up to six. You guys are just too good at this!

With that in mind, we’ve got six awesome images from our readers that would look great on your phone, tablet, or PC. As usual, we also have three images from the Android Authority team.

First, we have a gorgeous close-up photo of a plant from reader Mohd Sayeed. Next, we have a terrific shot of a garden lamp surrounded by beautiful plants after heavy rain from reader Manish Bharti. After that, we have a crisp shot of New York City from reader Marcos Pena. Marcos captured that with a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra! Next, we have a great pic of a tree in Sinhagad from reader Yash Palsokar, who used a Galaxy S20 FE for the capture! We also have a lovely photo of a building’s tower from reader Jiro. Finally, we have a shot of a rotting tree stump that’s been heavily processed in the Snapseed app by reader (and frequent Wallpaper Wednesday contributor) Rick L. Thompson. Rick captured the original photo for that on a Google Pixel 4a! Thanks so much for your submissions, all!

From the Android Authority team, we have a fantastic shot of the seaside from Bogdan Petrovan. Next, we have some cool geometric wall art as photographed by Rita El Khoury. Finally, we have a great shot of the Washington Monument from Ryan Haines.

Be sure to download these photos in their high resolutions from this Drive link!

How to submit your own Android wallpapers

We are very excited to see your own contributions to our Wallpaper Wednesdays project. Before submitting, here are the rules:

  • Your submissions should be your own creation. That means photos you took, digital art you created, etc. Please don’t submit other people’s work — that’s just not cool. Also, please avoid sending images purely created with AI. Images you created and then augmented with AI tools are OK.
  • You must agree to let Android Authority share your Android wallpapers for free with anyone who wants them.
  • We will not accept watermarked images. You will, however, get a credit and a link in the article itself. We can link to your social media account only.

Ready to submit? Fill out the form below. You’ll need to include the highest-resolution version of the image you can provide, your name, and a brief description of what the image is. If you want us to link to a social media page you own in your credit, please provide that, too, but that’s optional.

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