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YouTube will remove videos falsely linking the coronavirus to 5G usage

Other 5G conspiracy videos may remain on YouTube, but they could be demonetized and removed from the search results.

Published onApril 6, 2020

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Videos spreading false information linking the coronavirus to 5G technology have surfaced on YouTube as the current pandemic rages on. In an attempt to stop the spread of this misinformation, the Google-owned company will begin actively removing this content.

According to The Guardian, YouTube may still allow users to post videos about other 5G conspiracy theories as long as they don’t mention the coronavirus. These videos could still be suppressed by demonetization, and YouTube may remove them from the platform’s search results for violating the company’s policies.

Read also: Why you need to stay home during the coronavirus pandemic

People have been falsely linking 5G to health issues for what feels like forever already, whether it be that the technology causes cancer or that it will literally fry your brain. YouTube believes linking 5G to the current coronavirus pandemic crosses the line, though, especially considering this misinformation has led people to violence.

The Guardian reported that several cell towers have been subject to recent arson attacks in the UK as people grow more afraid they are causing COVID-19. Three cell towers were destroyed last week and four more were destroyed this weekend.

Hopefully, preventing the spread of this misinformation will help stop further attacks which potentially disconnect people during this critical time.

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