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Zombie Anarchy from Gameloft lets you fight off the undead for free

Gameloft has launched its latest mobile title, Zombie Anarchy, worldwide in the Google Play Store. The free-to-play title is all about battling the undead.

Published onOctober 26, 2016


Zombie Anarchy is the latest free-to-play game from publisher Gameloft. After a soft launch in a few countries, the game is now available worldwide in the Google Play Store.

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Yes, this may be another zombie game among many you can play, but Gameloft has a history of making high-quality mobile titles that have some twists. In this case, Zombie Anarchy is all about survival. Your objective is to find normal humans in the midst of this massive undead apocalypse and have them help out against the zombie hoard.

Each human surVivor has his or her own special ability, and you can also build up your living space with lots of special weapons and defenses to keep out the flesh eating creatures. You can even issue commands to the other human surVivors and go out on raids to zombie infested areas to collect food and other resources. Unfortunately, the zombies also have some special creatures with unique talents of their own. The game also features online multiplayer, as you combat other players around the world to take their resources and build up your own army.

Zombie Anarchy has a cartoony art style, which helps make looking at all of the blood and gore easier. If you have downloaded the game, what are your impressions of Gameloft’s entry in both the zombie and survival game genres?

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